Tarrant County College South Central Plant- Fort Worth, TX
PROJECT SCOPE – Replace 2 existing large mass boiler with 4, 3 million BTU, condensing boilers and 2, 6 million BTU condensing boilers. Provide new variable, primary hot water pumps to serve the 29 building campus loop. Also, Summit converted the existing chilled water pumping from primary/secondary to variable primary to improve energy efficiency.
FIRMS ROLE – Served as prime on the project, developed the MEP drawings, and provided construction administrative services for the central plant renovation.
FIRMS STRENGTHS– Summit reviewed the entire campus loop, building loads down to each air handler to verify the actual chilled/heating water demands. Summit worked well with TCCD staff to develop a phasing approach for the college to renovate their central plant progressively over the next 5-10 years.
CONSTRUCTION COST – Pre-construction Budget: $ 2.5 million — Actual Construction Budget: $ 2.5 million.